Monday 29 April 2013

Word Wheel

Four Ways to Use the Word Wheel

1. Story inspiration

Ask students to use the wheel to come up with a story idea (e.g. “an explorer” “is given” “a ring”).

2. Tenses

Use the wheel when teaching tenses. Ask students to change sentences from the wheel into a given tense. (e.g. “An old lady takes a photo” put into past tense becomes “An old lady took a photo”)

3. Subjects and objects

Use the wheel to teach students the difference between the subject and the object of a sentence. Point out that all of the words on the outer wheel are subjects as they are performing the action, and that all of the words on the inner circle are the objects.

4. Prepositions

Use the wheel when teaching prepositions. Ask students to finish off the sentences that the wheel creates by telling the reader where the event took place. Ask students to underline the prepositions they have used (e.g. “A dancer steals a plant at the garden centre”).

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